The Australian Government has three priorities under the IAS to make sure efforts are effectively targeted:
- Education for the future success of individuals, families and communities
- Employment, economic development and social participation improve the lives of families and communities.
- Health, safety, home and community is essential for families to thrive and reach their full potential.

At Full Circle Projects, we believe in an Indigenous Advancement Strategy that can be realised on a local level through the community services sector. Many community organisations utilise Reconciliation Actions Plans which in some ways, only act as window dressing, to look good...
Real action is in what you can do to support the advancement of Indigenous culture, business, ideas and incentives, staff, clients and the community, with the resources and influence you have.
How do we do it?
Education. FCP provides opportunities to staff and participants alike. We want to see our staff, support workers, and our clients succeed in the area they want to pursue.
Employment. FCP started in the disability support space from a need by community for culturally appropriate service within NDIS. As a result, we actively seek out Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and support their careers, training and ideas as a part of individual and service provider goals
Economic Development. FCP is always on the lookout for great new ideas and community incentives that support the protection of, and advancement of Indigenous culture
Social Participation. Social participation is a term used both by the IAS and NDIS that emphasises the point, to improve the lives of families and communities. As a disability service provider that is further detailed under the Human Rights Act; Sect 28.
1. Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold distinct cultural rights.
2. Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples must not be denied the right, with other members of their community(a) to enjoy, maintain, control, protect and develop their identity and cultural heritage, including their traditional knowledge, distinctive spiritual practices, observances, beliefs and teachings; and (b) to enjoy, maintain, control, protect and develop and use their language, including traditional cultural expression; and (c) to enjoy, maintain, control, protect and develop their kinship ties; and (d) to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual, material and economic relationship with the land, territories, waters, coastal seas and other resources with which they have a connection under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom; and (e) to conserve and protect the environment and productive capacity of their land, territories, waters, coastal seas and other resources.
3. Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
Health, safety, home and community. Is essential for a service provider, it's staff, our participants and families to thrive and reach their full potential.